STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 401 - of
DHS Totally Not Plotting a False Flag, Insists White Supremacists™ Are Coming For the Power Grid
June 24, 2023
White Supremacists: is there anything they aren't capable of? ...
Why the LGBTQ+++™ Social Engineers Desecrate Western Cultural Artifacts
June 24, 2023
The social engineers are particularly keen to infiltrate and desecrate foundational, often sacred, institutions and structures that epitomize Western culture. ...
Dr. Peter Hotez vs Decency
June 23, 2023
Dr. Peter Hotez -- the authoritarian, portly puppet of the pharmaceutical industry -- doesn't just assault basic human decency with his horrendous appearance ...
LGBTQ+++™ Neo-Colonialism Propaganda Roundup: Uganda and Hungary Hold the Line
June 23, 2023
In their lust for global domination, they ravage innocents with their LGBTQ+++™ ideologies and destroy local cultures one by one. ...
Biden’s Rape Accuser Flees to Russia, Says She Fears For Life
June 22, 2023
Tara Reade, who in 2020 publicly accused the Brandon entity of raping her in 1993, has fled to Russia, claiming that she fears for her life in the United States. ...
Feds Mysteriously Drop Charges Against Indian ‘White Supremacist’, Media Goes Silent
June 21, 2023
The whole spectacle was a farcical re-enactment of the '93 World Trade Center bombing or the Oklahoma City bombing, minus the bombs, which were swapped for a single Nazi flag.   ...
At What Point Should the US Government Be Considered Illegitimate?
June 15, 2023
June 15, 2023. None of this is an endorsement – not even a tacit one – of political violence if it can be avoided. ...
How the Obesity-Industrial Complex Keeps Americans Sick, Fat, and Sad
June 09, 2023
June 9, 2023. Everybody gets in on the grift – except, of course, the average consumer. ...
COVID Propaganda Roundup: Pfizer Knew mRNA Shots Sicken Infants in April 2021
June 08, 2023
June 8, 2023. The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the Public Health™ authorities. ...
White Supremacy™ Umbrella Expands, Now Covers Mexicans, Indians, and Blacks
June 02, 2023
June 2, 2023. If they have to turn a few innocent Persons of Color into White Supremacist terrorists to really sell the narrative, so be it. ...
‘Sir, You’re Scaring the Children’: Fugly Internet Transes Gone Wild!
May 26, 2023
May 26, 2023. This exhibition is best consumed on an empty stomach, perhaps with an antacid at the ready. ...
WATCH: Chinese Spy-Loverboy Dem. Rep. Eric Swalwell Trolled Over CCP Sidepiece
May 26, 2023
Alex Stein #99 recently caught up with Swallows-Well on the streets of DC, and it was wonderfully awkward. ...
Why Exactly Does the Government Dump Toxic Fluoride Into ¾ of the US Water Supply?
May 25, 2023
May 25, 2023. The Public Health authorities are well-apprised of the dangers fluoride poses. ...
LGBTQ+++™ Fail: Sports Illustrated Puts Dude on Swimsuit Cover, Apparently Can’t Photoshop His Man-Hips
May 25, 2023
That pesky biological reality strikes again! ...
Who are the Unseen Biden Handlers Always Chasing the Media Away?
May 25, 2023
I like to imagine them like a whole platoon of Nurse Ratcheds of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest fame, gaslighting their charges into submission. ...
Bombshell Report: Two 9/11 Hijackers Were Recruited by CIA
May 17, 2023
May 17, 2023. That 9/11 was either actively facilitated or passively allowed by the powers that be is a conspiracy theory, and it's one that I subscribe to. ...
Dinosaurs Will Die: Fox News Hemorrhages Viewers in Post-Carlson Era
May 15, 2023
May 15, 2023. So long, Fox News. Your days are numbered.  ...
Biden Administration Grooms Gen Z ‘Influencers’ to Become Digital Red Guard
May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023. Biden's handlers understand that voters respond well to lectures on nuanced political issues by nineteen-year-old products of public education with no life experience to speak of. ...
BOOM: Tucker ‘Dark’ Carlson Crosses the 9/11 Rubicon
May 10, 2023
This signals, in my view, the birth of an entity I have branded Dark Carlson. ...
What Is Joe Biden’s Anti-Neurodegenerative Nootropic Stack?
May 10, 2023
Have you ever wondered how bad things get when he's not (speculatively) hopped up on whatever pharmaceutical stack his handlers (allegedly) shoot him up with? ...
Government Mommy Justin Trudeau Gaslights the Public, Denies He Ever Forced Anyone to Get Vaxxed
May 05, 2023
May 5, 2023. Effeminate government mommy Justin Trudeau recently took the opportunity to gaslight Canadians about his brutal, unprecedented vaxx mandates. ...
Petition for Elon Musk: Slap Twitter Red Checks on All Known Epstein Associates
May 05, 2023
May 5, 2023. Virtually no mainstream political or media figures have championed the cause of furthering inquiry into who Epstein was associated with. ...
Harry Potter star: ‘Trust kids’ to trans themselves
May 03, 2023
With the glaring and brave exception of J.K. Rowling, the people involved with the Harry Potter franchise appear to have an extreme fetish for "transitioning" children. ...
On the Global Monkey Trade, Chinese Biolabs, Anthony Fauci, and Karma
May 03, 2023
If only karma were real, and Anthony Fauci could be re-summoned to Earth to serve a life sentence as a Chinese Communist Party test subject primate. ...
Flashback: When Don Lemon Got OBLITERATED Over Slavery Reparations
May 03, 2023
May 3, 2023. The reparations narrative is a recipe for unending racial strife. No amount of dressing it up in flowery Social Justice jargon will ever change that. ...
#BodyPositivity Propaganda Roundup: Fats vs Airplanes (Round II)
April 27, 2023
April 27, 2023. Documenting the meatiest, juiciest cuts of “fat acceptance” propaganda from corporate and social media. ...
Why the Deep State Loves Geriatric, Comatose Career Politicians Who Don’t Know What Planet They’re on
April 26, 2023
April 26, 2023. When the cat is away, the mice will play. ...
Vaxx Mandate Fascist Gene Simmons Suffers On-Stage Health Issue, Cancels Show
April 21, 2023
April 21, 2023. I pray karma is real, and it's what we're seeing in that video. ...
FBI Deems ‘Red-Pilled’, ‘Based’ as Terms That Indicate ‘Incel Violent Extremism’
April 21, 2023
April 21, 2023. Both terms, "red-pilled" and "based," were flagged as indications of one's affinity for "Involuntary Celibate Violent Extremism," although the connection is not immediately clear beyond their origination within these groups.   ...
Anti-Meat Propaganda Roundup: Drinking Milk Is ‘Unsettling’ and Racist
April 19, 2023
April 19, 2023. To sell the mealworms to the public, the overlords saturate the corporate media with vegan propaganda. ...
Could Fauci Realistically Be Prosecuted Under RICO Statutes?
April 14, 2023
April 14, 2023. Will any brave prosecutor ever take this case on with the doggedness with which the prosecutor in New York, for instance, has targeted the Democrats' chief political opponent? ...
AI Researcher Wants to Bomb Data Centers to Stop AI
April 13, 2023
April 13, 2023. How worried should we be as a civilization about artificial intelligence, assuming we aspire to continue to exist? ...
What Is the Ultimate Endgame For ‘Woke’ Ideology, Actually?
April 13, 2023
April 13, 2023. Is it really just a silly product of bored academics, or is there a greater utilitarian purpose to the ideology that has permeated every aspect of Western society? ...
LGBTQ+™ Propaganda Roundup: The Prison Rape Chronicles
April 11, 2023
April 11, 2023. Fronthole women (known in corporate media as "cisgender women" and, in a simpler time, as simply "women") have been getting prison-raped by transgenders at an alarming rate. ...
The Easter Bunny Gets Transed: Who Could Have Predicted?
April 11, 2023
April 11, 2023. Nothing is beyond the grasp of the black hand of gender transitionism, even genderless religious icons. ...
De-Dollarization: The Death Knell For US Hegemony?
April 06, 2023
April 6, 2023. The architects of the US war machine understand well that their military primacy is inexorably dependent on American economic primacy. ...
WATCH: Spontaneous Mass Twerking Event Erupts on Miami Beach
April 06, 2023
April 6, 2023. It appears to be a modern twist on some form of primal mating ritual. ...
Twitter Thread Expertly Dissects Millennial/Gen Z Psychology
April 04, 2023
April 4, 2023. The full-throated embrace of irony as a coping mechanism in a world cleansed of inherent meaning. ...
How Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson Blasted Alex Jones Into the Mainstream
April 04, 2023
April 4, 2023. The InfoWars ideology – which essentially boils down to waging an information war against the transnational, transhuman globalist elite – is now mainstream. ...
Hope Is Alive: Dutch Farmer-Citizen Movement Wins Historic Electoral Victory
March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023. The recent victory of the Dutch Farmer-Citizen Movement is evidence that electioneering can still produce positive results. ...
Art as Propaganda: The Message Embedded in Star Trek
March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023. The fictional series Star Trek is an interesting and worthy case study of how art can be used to shape narratives in the national mythology. ...
UPDATE: McDonald’s Twerking Assailant Gets Lawyer, Strikes Back in News Conference
March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023. It turns out, the police chief is racist and the young lady is simply a law-abiding citizen who understandably went ape-shit in the McDonald's because her shake was the wrong flavor. ...
Fauci Should Be Prosecuted for Negligent Homicide for Vaccine Lies
March 24, 2023
March 24, 2023. On the vaxx front, Fauci is culpable for an untold number of deaths. ...
Epic video: Informed black guy on DC street destroys Fauci to his face
March 24, 2023
March 24, 2023. “Nine months is definitely not enough for nobody to  be takin’ no vaccination that you all came up with.” ...
‘The View’ Predictably Blames Kamala Harris’ Political Failure on Racism
March 24, 2023
March 24, 2023. The View, unmitigated social cancer, has once again drawn from the race well to explain the failure of one of its favored politicians. ...
This is America: Pregnant Florida Gen Z Woman Assaults McDonald’s Employee, Twerks on Way Out
March 21, 2023
March 21, 2023. If this isn't the single most American clip you've seen all week, I'll be goddamned. ...
Gerontocracy: The Brutal, Unending Rule of the Boomers
March 20, 2023
March 20, 2023. If these people were decent human beings, one might feel sorry for them. But they are, in fact, power-hungry demons with no regard for their constituents. ...
Minnesota Governor’s ABSURD Tweet Defending Chemical Castration For ‘Trans’ Children
March 16, 2023
March 16, 2023. Minnesota's loving and liberal governor, Tim Walz (D), recently penned legislation "protecting the rights of LGBTQ people from Minnesota and other states to receive gender affirming health care." ...
Emails Prove Fauci Engineered ‘Natural Origins’ Lie
March 14, 2023
March 14, 2023. It should be obvious that this is not how scientific research is conducted. ...
‘Hate Crimes’ in the Service of ‘White Supremacy’: A Statistical Hallucination
March 13, 2023
March 13, 2023. "Hate crimes" are a wedge the ruling classes use to drive and exploit racial hatred. ...
Showing 401 - of – Newest on Top
