STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1251 - of
Looking to Hike? Yellen Finally Admits Stocks Are Overpriced
June 23, 2016
"The Federal Reserve Says U.S. Stocks Are Overpriced … It’s the starkest warning yet under Chair Janet Yellen." It's true of course. But no doubt she has an ulterior motive for mentioning it... ...
Libertarian Party Offers Government Policy Instead of Persuasive Philosophy
June 23, 2016
The problem with the Libertarian party is that to be a libertarian means you don’t believe people ought to be forced to behave a certain way. But government is all about force. ...
dominoes falling
Something Terrible Has Happened
June 23, 2016
Something terrible has happened. The “common wisdom” that people grew up with is fading rapidly. It's not comfortable or soothing. It's upsetting and unsettling. ...
Disband the Fed: The Most Accurate Statement Yellen Could Make
June 22, 2016
Here’s a question: Why is the Senate listening to Janet Yellen about the economy? It’s like the blind leading the blind. The Senate has no idea what’s going on with the economy. Neither does Yellen. ...
Hillary’s Economic Proposals Will End in Despair
June 22, 2016
Every time a law is passed or a regulation is applied, it diminishes prosperity for some at the expense of others. Voluntary competition and cooperation are building blocks of wealth. Unfortunately, in the US today, major politicians don’t recognize any of ...
Speculation: Lagarde Is Out and India’s Rajan Is In
June 22, 2016
The head of the United Nations’ International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, is facing charges in France for embezzlement. If found guilty, she could go to prison for ten years. According to an insightful commenter who wrote to us last night, the Lagard ...
Nothing to Admire in Bush’s Attack on Trump
June 21, 2016
George Bush is now supposedly “saving” the GOP from Donald Trump. Too bad someone couldn’t save the GOP and America from George Bush. ...
How Zuckerberg Stands in the Way of a New Renaissance
June 21, 2016
Some now hail Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg as the Gutenberg of the New Renaissance. However, the truth is that Zuckerberg is the one greatest obstructions of the Internet Reformation. ...
The Internet Just Debunked the NY Post’s War on Terror
June 21, 2016
The truth on a variety of subjects is easily available on the Internet. And that’s probably why despite warmongering efforts of editorial boards like the Post’s, the New Crusade against Islam have yet to fully take hold. ...
Hillary Seen as Winning, According to Dems and GOP Establishment
June 20, 2016
Two statements issued recently show that Left and Right both expect Hillary to be the next President of the US. One was a document sent from State Department explaining that targeted military strikes were needed against the Assad government if ISIS were to b ...
India Sheds Central Banker Rajan, Revs Up Monetary Printing Presses
June 20, 2016
According to mainstream central banking coverage there are either “good” central bankers or bad one. Central banking itself is simply a given. It exists like sky, earth or water. It is the central banker himself who can make the difference. ...
Putin Suggests Cameron Actually Blackmailed EU
June 20, 2016
The Economic Times states that Putin made this comment “Friday during a meeting with representatives of news agencies, including AFP.” Reuters, as you can see in our initial excerpt, has much the same quote and identifies it as something Putin said "on t ...
NY Times: Hiroshima Mushroom Cloud Actually ‘Smoke from Raging Firestorm’
June 20, 2016
A recent report from the New York Times points out that the photograph of the atomic bomb’s mushroom cloud at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum “stretching from floor to ceiling” is actually a photo of the Hiroshima firestorm. ...
Too Big? Brazil and Olympics on a Failing Path
June 19, 2016
The economy is in a quasi depression, and already the President has been impeached... The more Brazil struggles to pay for these games, the more alienated many citizens will feel and the worse things will get. ...
The Clinton Foundation’s Corruption Captures Supporters, Including Bill Gates
June 18, 2016
The Clintons have ties to officials at the most important multinationals, banks and governments. The couple have used their power and influence to secretly steer US government relationships and resources to those who donated to the Foundation. ...
Will Hillary Survive Barrage of Email Leaks From Russia and WikiLeaks?
June 17, 2016
Hillary’s home-based server seems to have been extensively compromised and numerous of her emails, including ones no doubt she wanted destroyed, may soon be revealed. Wikileaks has already “leaked” Hillary emails in a searchable archive format but foun ...
Strength of Gold Affirmed by Mainstream Media, Not Dependent on Brexit
June 17, 2016
Gold didn’t just have a good week, it’s having a good year. Gold prices have moved up significantly since May 2014 and gained even more momentum since the beginning of 2016. Gold is the best performing major asset class this year ...
Hey, Mr. Trump: Confronting Homegrown US Problems Is First Step to Making America Great Again
June 16, 2016
Donald Trump has decided to support a bill that prohibits individuals on the terror watch list from buying guns. Politico suggests that Trump has “flip-flopped” because Hillary is already supporting the bill, which 70 percent of the public also apparent ...
As Fed Struggles With Rates in a Failing Economy, Junior Miners and Bitcoin Bloom
June 16, 2016
This upcoming economic crash is going to be the worst ever. It may wipe out whole countries. But Janet Yellen is still suggesting that the US economy may somehow improve and necessitate further interest rate hikes. ...
Whether It’s Hiroshima’s Supposed ‘A-Bomb’ or the Hadron Collider, Big Science’s Main Product Is Propaganda     
June 16, 2016
China wants to build the biggest supercollider in the world and over in Switzerland, CERN reportedly wants to build a much larger supercollider as well. We live in an era of Big Science that makes it clear only government and mega-corporations have the where ...
Unprecedented Mainstream Media Criticism of Central Banking Bodes Ill for the Larger Economy
June 15, 2016
There is definitely considerable negativity about central banking in the mainstream media these days. This is surprising, on the one hand, because central banking provides the foundation of the current economic system, worldwide. On the other hand, such n ...
Congress to Trump: Act Presidential – But That Is Just the Wrong Approach
June 15, 2016
Trump is supposedly drifting into negative double digits against Hillary and perhaps one of the reasons is that he’s not been blunt enough. There are plenty of hints that he understands the real problems. But he’s not verbalizing them. He’s using some ...
NY Times Uses Hiroshima to Justify Gun Control, Even as More Evidence Questions A-Bomb Scenario
June 15, 2016
The New York Times has just published an article comparing the Orlando shooting to Hiroshima. The point that is made is one we have discussed recently in these pages in several articles. It again justifies our perception that many modern trends, including incre ...
Monsanto and Bayer Finding It Tough to Be Ag Conglomerates These Days
June 15, 2016
As usual, Monsanto is the center of a lot of attention. Bayer is making a huge bid for the company and Monsanto is trying to reinvent itself as a kind of agricultural data guru. Monsanto is going to combine farming and various kinds of agricultural and climate ...
As Silver Expected to Rally, Investors Might Consider Junior Miners
June 14, 2016
3 Reasons Why Silver Will Rally Higher … Like Warren Buffett, I have a disdain for gold as an investment but remain attracted to silver. For many investors, this appears hypocritical given that both are precious metals with closely correlated prices.  Howeve ...
Trump Blocks The Washington Post from Covering His Events
June 14, 2016
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’ …  Why did Donald Trump revoke The Post’s media credentials?  … Donald Trump said Monday that he is pulling The Washington Post’s credentials to cover his events b ...
Joe Grosso: Golden Arrow Targets a Promising Mining Merger With Silver Standard in Argentina
June 13, 2016
Joseph Grosso is Executive Chairman, CEO & President of a leading junior mining firm in Argentina, Golden Arrow Resources. He has successfully formed strategic alliances and negotiated with mining industry majors such as Barrick, Teck, Newmont, Viceroy (no ...
Trump Takes Strong Anti-Islam Position After Orlando Shooting
June 13, 2016
Donald Trump’s scaremongering response to Orlando shooting is the opposite of what America needs  …  The gunning down of dozens of party-goers in a gay club in Florida showed, he wrote, that he had  been ‘right on radical Islamic terrorism̵ ...
1945 AP Report Shows Hiroshima Was Firebombed Prior to Claim of Atomic Bombing
June 13, 2016
The memory of the use of the first nuclear bomb that brought the second great global inferno to an end continues to weigh on the collective consciousness despite the passing of more than 71 years since the tragic military intervention that obliterated the civil ...
Questions About Previous Missions Linger as NASA Readies New Ones
June 13, 2016
Astronaut takes first step inside International Space Station’s inflatable ‘spare room’  … Bigelow Aerospace developed the first-of-its-kind habitat as part of an $18 million contract with Nasa. The company has an eye on eventually using it ...
New US Civil War? A Clinton Presidency Will Alienate Tens of Millions, Perhaps Violently 
June 10, 2016
Obama endorses Hillary Clinton: ‘I am with her. I am fired up.’ … President Obama dispensed with his long-held pledge of neutrality in the Democratic presidential race Thursday, backing Hillary Clinton as the most qualified candidate to succeed hi ...
A Disturbing Trend: Internet Exposure of Bilderberg Is Met With Defiance
June 10, 2016
What to Know About the Bilderberg Group’s Secret Annual … Barriers stand in front of hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski in Dresden, Germany, where the Bilderberg conference will take place place from June 9-12, 2016. Little is known about the secretive group ...
More Moon Travel? Protect Yourself From Eroding Public Trust
June 10, 2016
Why it’s time to go back to the Moon … It’s more than a stepping stone to Mars … Mars is an extremely popular destination right now. Putting people on the Red Planet has been the big goal for NASA since 2010, and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has made it ...
Hillary’s ‘Historic Win’ Makes Things Worse, Not Better  
June 09, 2016
How Hillary Clinton’s historic win changes the game for girls … So many girls for so long were told — overtly and subtly — what they could and could not be … Regardless of party persuasion, Hillary Clinton’s victory is the definition ...
Too Bad: Trump Backs Down on Public Accusations of Judicial Bias
June 09, 2016
Under fire from Republicans, Trump says he’ll stop talking about judge … Bowing to pressure from fellow Republicans, Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would no longer talk about a Mexican-American judge after U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan denounced the pre ...
Alleged N.K. Nuclear Activity – How Do They Know?
June 09, 2016
Reports: North Korea Recycling Plutonium to Make Nuclear Bombs … An unnamed U.S. official has confirmed to Reuters that evidence indicates North Korea has begun to once again produce plutonium fuel, a key ingredient in nuclear weapons. North Korea’s communi ...
Antarctica to Remain Off-Limits to Mines and Miners
June 09, 2016
There won’t be any unintentional discoveries on the Antarctic any time soon. It will remain “completely off limits” for mining and miners. In our opinion, that's terrible news. ...
Authoritarian Hillary is Now on the Defensive
June 07, 2016
Her husband has been accused of rape and drug smuggling, and the two of them have been accused of murder and other serious crimes. Yet mainstream media insists that she isn’t disliked for what she’s done. She is disliked for “who she is". A woman. ...
Trump Versus Mexico: The Conflict That’s Bringing Union
June 07, 2016
‘Take that order and throw it the hell out’: Trump reportedly rails against campaign staff for telling surrogates to stop attacking judge … Donald Trump advised prominent campaign surrogates to go after journalists who ask questions about a Trump ...
Influential Psychologist Claims Irrational Fear is Behind Brexit Vote
June 07, 2016
Critics claim that the Brexit debate is one motivated by irrational fear. Emotion, they say, is ruling people's perspective and that arguments regarding leaving the EU are based on “irritation and anger.” ...
From Fed to Farce as Yellen Continues to Pitch a Rate Hike
June 07, 2016
Last year Yellen was positive the US economy was “recovering.” Then she hiked rates by a mere 25 basis points and world stock markets imploded. She never apologized of course, and the mainstream media gave her a pass. But it was obvious she’d been wrong, ...
America’s Hidden Jobless Rate is a Product of This Conspiracy
June 06, 2016
Trump … said he thinks the jobless rate is close to 20 percent and not the roughly 5 percent reported by the Labor Department. And, of course, Crudele reported, anyone who buys the 5 percent figure is a “dummy,” according to Trump. This, in a nutshell, is ...
Fifteen Years Later, Mainstream Analysis Begins to Adopt Our Meme Approach
June 06, 2016
What is memetic warfare and how it threats democratic values?  …  One of the contributors of Defense Strategic Communications journal issued by NATO Stratcom COE, Jeff Giesea defines memetic warfare as “competition over narrative, ideas, and social cont ...
The Realities of Modern Warfare Exposed
June 06, 2016
Washington to Moscow: Stop Targeting al-Qaeda in Syria – You’ll Kill Our Moderates! … The Associated Press is reporting this afternoon that the Obama Administration has requested that the Russians cease and desist from bombing al-Qaeda’s Nus ...
Traveling to the Moon Again? Exploring the Antarctic Might Be a Better Alternative
June 06, 2016
U.S. Set to Approve Moon Mission … Commercial Space Venture Startup proposes to land payload of scientific gear on lunar surface some time next year. -Wall Street Journal ...
Social Networks Show They Work for Government, not Private Sector
June 03, 2016
Free Speech Isn’t Facebook’s Job  … My instinct as a First Amendment teacher is to be outraged at Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Microsoft for knuckling under to European Commission pressure to ban hate speech on their platforms. But after sleep ...
Musk and Bezos on Conquering the Final Frontier of Space
June 03, 2016
Musk: We intend to launch people to Mars in 2024  … Elon Musk will send a mission to Mars without people on it — on the Flying Dragon version 2 rocket — starting in 2018 and launch a rocket headed there every 26 months.  –  CNBC ...
Donald Trump: Not As Rich As He Claims?
June 01, 2016
Shady accounting underpins Trump’s wealth … The GOP nominee is rich. But how rich depends on odd accounting and subjective criteria … Donald Trump claims he is worth $10 billion — but financial experts dispute that. -Politico  ...
9 in 10 Americans are Disillusioned With Democracy
June 01, 2016
Hillary and Trump Leave Americans with Angst, Malaise and Little Confidence  … A new poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that the choice of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for president leaves Americans feeling frustrat ...
Brexit Increasingly Likely as Voters Swing Towards ‘Out’ Vote
June 01, 2016
UK voters shift towards ‘Out’ as EU referendum nears  …  British voters have moved towards voting to leave the European Union in next month’s referendum according to two surveys by polling firm ICM, surprising investors and sending sterlin ...
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